Cabinet documentation

After creating a cabinet, the program shows the empty six faces of the cabinet in the specified dimensions. A right button mouse click on any of these walls brings up a popup menu, which allows to add some elements to the wall.

The following elements are available:
  • Drivers
  • Vents
  • Interior walls
  • Inner casings
Every element is positioned on the wall in a wall coordinate system with origin at the lower left corner of the wall.

In this way it is possible to construct a wide range of different speakers. The examples below show how realistic cabinets can be defined using some wall elements. But beside the nice look, all major data required for a accurate speaker simulation is given as well. MZ SpeakerDesigner automatically extracts the following information from the cabinet:
  • The number of internal volumes and their dimensions.
  • The drivers and vents being assigned to a particular volume.
  • The type of rear configuration for every driver (closed, vented or transmission line).
  • The size of the baffle and the position of each driver.
Although a single cabinet is adequate for most loudspeakers, MZ SpeakerDesigner supports up to 8 cabinets per project. The relative position of multiple cabinets is adjusted through the origin (the space coordinates of the lower left corner of the front side).


Visaton Atlantis MK II A cabinet with four drivers on the front and two vents on the back. Four interior walls split the volume into four divisions.

Seas Thor A cabinet with three drivers on the front and a vent on the back. Three interior walls define the shape of the transmission line.

Pyramid A cabinet with inclined walls, three drivers and two vents on the front.

Cabinet information

MZ SpeakerDesigner includes a cabinet information viewer, which displays the results of the volume calculation.

Visaton Atlantis MK II


Documentation index
MZ SpeakerDesigner

Last update: 7 January 2012